MIDI plugins
I think you’ll find, everybody loves a loser So you’ll be fine, you won’t be lonely long.
Morcheeba (Everybody Loves a Loser)
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gatefish (Audio to MIDI - MIDI Plugin)

Mokafix gatefish

plugin name gatefish
developer / manufacturer Mokafix
price n/a
licence type freeware - free to download and use
plugin type

Audio to MIDI

available formats -
available platforms Windows 32bit
plugin status Released
plugin version
date added 24 March 2005 at 10:02
date updated 24 March 2005 at 10:02
gatefish description
It's a little plug that converts any audio signal to midi cc. You put it as an effect on an audio track and as midi-in on a midi track. Fish's cheeks get red to visualize the gate signal (left cheek) and the volume of the output signal (right cheek).
The tooth changes the volume in from audio input to gate signal. Attack and release affect the output volume only on gate mode.
You can use it for rythm effects.
And it is funny to look at when the cheeks get red.
Sens is gate sensitivity
vol adjust is for midi out max level adjustment


Angri Studios

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