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Soma_Transport_EX (Sync/ Transport/ Clock - MIDI Plugin)

soma Soma_Transport_EX

plugin name Soma_Transport_EX
developer / manufacturer soma
price n/a
licence type freeware - free to download and use
plugin type

Sync/ Transport/ Clock

available formats -
available platforms Windows 32bit
plugin status Released
plugin version
date added 27 November 2005 at 14:59
date updated 11 March 2006 at 18:45
Soma_Transport_EX description
This Transport Detector can send a CC on a start/stop to the VST midi out. In energy XT, you can map the those CC's to a sequencer's start, stop, home, and record! Panic too.
This plug will send MIDI start and clock messages out too. It can pass the clock to a physical midi device and/or VST port.
Tempo, time and beat counts are displayed. (Assumes 4/4)

Most Essential Information for using the MIDI Clock feature in energyXT:
(Abstract from the readme By R.A.W.)

1. The MIDI-Clock defaults to 120bpm on start up, to make it sync to the tempo,
you have to "update" the tempo once, meaning just change the tempo and set
it back to the original.

2. When you want to use the MIDI Clock in a Sequencer comp, you have to insert
it to the "MIDI FX - Groove" of a MIDI Track, and the track must have an output.

Thanks to Branis, CK, DH, R.A.W., inkinen, and the XT forum.


Angri Studios

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