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MidiZoid Delay (Delay - MIDI Plugin)

Numerikart MidiZoid Delay

MidiZoid Delay
plugin name MidiZoid Delay
developer / manufacturer Numerikart
price €25 (bundle)
licence type commercial - must be purchased to be used, a demo version may be available
plugin type


available formats -
available platforms Windows 32bit
plugin status Released
plugin version
date added 27 May 2007 at 22:21
date updated 27 May 2007 at 22:25
MidiZoid Delay description
MidiZoid Delay is a midi delay with individual pitch and velocity settings for each delay.

This plugin is for windows operating systems only.


-Host tempo sync
-1 to 16 repetition sync to tempo
-Velocity curve for each delay
-Pitch transpose for each delay
-Fully automatable


Angri Studios

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